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Vacancy : Project Manager

The Marae Moana Coordination Office (MMCO), within the Office of the Prime Minister, is seeking to contract a Project Manager to manage the implementation of the Cook Islands Island-Scale MSP Project. This is a two-year appointment. The Project Manager will be integral to the success of

Agencies collaborate to celebrate World Ocean Day 2021

On Tuesday 8 June government agencies celebrated World Ocean Day. Held at the Maire Nui grounds, the event included eight agencies and departments with informational booths on their role in the ocean space. These were Marae Moana, Seabed Minerals Authority, Ministry of Marine Resources, Ministry

global reef report

Global Reef Expedtion: Cook Islands Final Report

As part of the Global Reef Expedition—the largest coral reef survey and mapping expedition in history—an international team of scientists set out to assess the health and resiliency of coral reefs in the Cook Islands. The report provides a comprehensive summary of the Khaled bin

paul allsworth

Aronga Mana using influence for conservation

What the aronga mana lacks in political power, it makes up for in influence and resolve. Public service is a responsibility the formal bodies of traditional leaders—the House of Ariki, occupied by 26 high chiefs, and the Koutu Nui, comprising more than 800 sub-chiefs—take seriously.

Marae Moana Act just the first step

Jon Day, previously one of the directors with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) —the agency tasked with overseeing the grandfather of modern marine-protected areas (MPAs)—says that while passing the Marae Moana Act is an important step on the journey to responsible ocean

Environmental health a challenge

Saturday December 29, 2018 Published in Environment One of the great ironies of our time is that what we do in pursuit of money puts undue pressure on the environment, but restoring the health of our environment costs money too. “We have been making progress on